How to write better QTP scripts

This post refers to a thought provoking question which was asked on Testing Tools forum. In this query jp@QTP is looking for ways to optimize QTP scripts for best performance. Everyone knows we use automated testing tools to optimize our testing process. Unless you make full use of the capability of the tool and unless a tool is used sensibly and with proper planning, it would not yield any results. Just record-and-playback is never the solution for any project. You need to go deep inside to understand the intricacies of any tool. Any software testing tool is only as good as the test engineer using it. On those thoughts, I feel this was one of the best questions asked in the forums of late.
Well, here are some of my tips and tricks to optimize the QTP scripts:

* Launch QTP using a .vbs file and not the QTP desktop icon. You will notice a substantial increase in speed. [Refer the earlier post on How to open QTP using vbs file? ,you just need the 1st point of that post]
* For large tests, always define variables, function in an external .vbs file and not inside a reusable action. Attach these files with your test scripts. If you define a variable or a function in an action, on every iteration of your test run, memory(RAM) will be allocated to those variables/functions and would not be released. Now as your script starts consuming more and more RAM, your System Under Test (SUT) will tend to become slower.
* While running, QTP consumes a lot of memory by itself. It is always advisable to have lots of available RAM( much more than what is recommended by HP) and good processor speed on a system where you intend to install QTP. When you have tests (and hence QTP) running for a prolonged period if time, there are chances of memory leaks. To avoid memory leakage always restart QTP at some intervals of time. Using AOM you can automate this process. [If you want to go into details of effect of RAM on speed of computer read the post on RAM, Memory Usage thoroughly]
* Avoid using hard coded wait(x) statement. Wait statement waits for full x seconds, even if the event has already occurred. Instead use .sync or exist statement. While using exist statement always have a value inside it.

For ex: .Exist(10) Here QTP will wait max till 10 seconds and if it finds the object at (say) 3 secs , it will resume the execution immediately thereby saving your precious time. On the other hand if you leave the parenthesis blank, QTP would wait for object synchronization timeout you have mentioned under File > Test Settings > Run Tab.

* Make full use of what HP-QTP has provided you in the tool IDE. Use “Automatically Generate “With” statements after recording” option present under Tools > Options > General Tab. This will not only make your code look neater but also make your scripts perform better.
* Make your own judgement whether you want to go for Descriptive Programming or Object Repository or mixed approach. Each approach has it own pros and cons that in turn is related to QTP performance.
* Unless absolutely required, uncheck the options “Save still image capture to results” and “Save movie to results” present under Tools > Options > Run tab. These options definitely have some bearing on QTP run time performance.
* Make the Run Mode as “fast”. This setting is present under Tool > Options > Run tab. Note: If you intend to run your scripts from QC no need to worry about this option, as the scripts WILL run in fast mode whether you want or not.
* If you are new to automation or QTP. Read this beginner article on Automation Object Model (AOM). AOM simplifies many aspects of QTP scripting. It can help you in controlling QTP from an external file.
* Make use of relative paths while calling reusable actions in your script. Using relative path would make your script portable and easy to manage. I will cover in detail how to’s and why’s of using relative paths in my next post.
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Tips on QTP

1) How to add a constant number in a datatable?
This is more to do with MS excel then QTP!! but useful to know because at times it becomes frustrating to the novices.
Just append ' to the number
Ex: if you wish to enter 1234567 in datatable then write it as '1234567

2) How can i check if a parameter exists in DataTable or not?
The best way would be to use the below code:
on error resume next
if err.number<> 0 then
'Parameter does not exist
'Parameter exists
end if

3) How can i check if a checkpoint passes or not?
chk_PassFail = Browser(...).Page(...).WebEdit(...).Check (Checkpoint("Check1"))
if chk_PassFail then
MsgBox "Check Point passed"
else MsgBox "Check Point failed"
end if

4) My test fails due to checkpoint failing, Can i validate a checkpoint without my test failing due to checpoint failure?
Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll 'Disables all the reporting stuff
chk_PassFail = Browser(...).Page(...).WebEdit(...).Check (Checkpoint("Check1"))
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll 'Enable all the reporting stuff
if chk_PassFail then
MsgBox "Check Point passed"
MsgBox "Check Point failed"
end if

5) What is the difference between an Action and a function?
Action is a thing specific to QTP while functions are a generic thing which is a feature of VB Scripting. Action can have a object repository associated with it while a function can't. A function is just lines of code with some/none parameters and a single return value while an action can have more than one output parameters.

6) Where to use function or action?
Well answer depends on the scenario. If you want to use the OR feature then you have to go for Action only. If the functionality is not about any automation script i.e. a function like getting a string between to specific characters, now this is something not specific to QTP and can be done on pure VB Script, so this should be done in a function and not an action. Code specific to QTP can also be put into an function using DP. Decision of using function/action depends on what any one would be comfortable using in a given situation.

7) When to use a Recovery Scenario and when to us on error resume next?
Recovery scenarios are used when you cannot predict at what step the error can occur or when you know that error won't occur in your QTP script but could occur in the world outside QTP, again the example would be "out of paper", as this error is caused by printer device driver. "On error resume next" should be used when you know if an error is expected and dont want to raise it, you may want to have different actions depending upon the error that occurred. Use err.number & err.description to get more details about the error.

8) How to use environment variable?
A simple defintion could be... it is a variable which can be used across the reusable actions and is not limited to one reusable action.
There are two types of environment variables:
1. User-defined
2. Built-in
We can retrieve the value of any environment variable. But we can set the value of only user-defined environment variables.

To set the value of a user-defined environment variable:
Environment (VariableName) = NewValue

To retrieve the value of a loaded environment variable:
CurrValue = Environment (VariableName)

The following example creates a new internal user-defined variable named MyVariable with a value of 10, and then retrieves the variable value and stores it in the MyValue variable.

9) What are the files and subfolders of a QuickTest Professional test?
The files and folders hold binary and text data that are required for the test to run successfully.
The following table provides a description, the type, and comments regarding the files that make up a QuickTest Professional test.

File Name



Comments Regarding File


Test settings


Do not edit


Data table parameters

Excel similar

Can be edited using Excel

Parameterization information


Do not edit


Action folder (See other table)


Load test configuration file


Do not edit


Load test configuration file


Do not edit


Load test configuration file


Do not edit


Load test configuration file


Do not edit


Load test configuration file


Do not edit


Load test configuration file


Do not edit
Files within Action folder:

File Name



Comments Regarding File


Action script


Edit text preceding the @@ sign only

Object Repository


Do not edit


Active screen files


Do not edit
There are few more files extensions like
.MTB Batch File
.LCK Locked
10) How to rename a checkpoint (QTP 9.0)?
Window("Notepad").WinEditor("Edit").Check CheckPoint("Edit")
In the above example, the user would like to change the name of the CheckPoint object from "Edit" to something more meaningful.
This functionality is new to QuickTest Professional 9.0.This is not available for QTP 8.2 and below.
1. Right-click on the Checkpoint step in the Keyword View or on the Checkpoint object in Expert View.
2. Select "Checkpoint Properties" from the pop-up menu.
3. In the Name field, enter the new checkpoint name.
4. Click . The name of the checkpoint object will be updated within the script.
Window("Notepad").WinEditor("Edit").Check CheckPoint("NewCheckPointName")
You must use the QuickTest Professional user interface to change the name of the checkpoint. If you manually change the name of the checkpoint in the script, QuickTest Professional will generate an error during replay. The error message will be similar to the following:

"The "" CheckPoint object was not found in the Object Repository. Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object."
The CheckPoint object is not a visible object within the object repository, so if you manually modify the name, you may need to recreate the checkpoint to resolve the error.

11) Does QuickTest Professional support Internet Explorer 7.0?
QuickTest Professional 9.1
QuickTest Professional 9.1 supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta 3. Internet Explorer version 7.0 is now certified to work and to be tested with QuickTest Professional version 9.1.
QuickTest Professional 9.0
QuickTest Professional 9.0 supports Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta 2.
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below do not include support for Internet Explorer 7.0.
Does QuickTest Professional support Firefox?
QuickTest Professional 9.1 and 9.2
QuickTest Professional 9.1 provides replay support for Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Alpha 3 (Alpha-level support for Bon Echo 2.0a3).
QuickTest Professional 9.1 will not record on FireFox. You can record a test on Microsoft Internet Explorer and run it on any other supported browser, such as FireFox.
The .Object property for web objects is not supported in FireFox.
QuickTest Professional 9.0
QuickTest Professional 9.0 provides replay support for Mozilla FireFox 1.5.
QuickTest Professional 9.0 will not record on FireFox. You can record a test on Microsoft Internet Explorer and run it on any other supported browser, such as FireFox.
The .Object property for web objects is not supported in FireFox.
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below do not have support for Firefox.

12) Problem
After Quick Test Professional is started, Windows Media will not start. It returns the error message "wmplayer.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created."
If you start Window's Media Player first, it will continue to work normally after starting QuickTest Professional.
Include the Windows Media Player's executable in the NoBBTApps section of the mic.ini file
1. Close QuickTest Professional.
2. Go to \bin\mic.ini.
3. Include wmplayer.exe in the NoBBTApps section of mic.ini file.
4. Save the mic.ini file and restart QuickTest Professional.
13) What is the lservrc file in QTP?

The lservrc file contains the license codes that have been installed
The lservrc file contains the license codes that have been installed. Whenever a new license is created, the license code is automatically added to this file. The lservrc file is a text file, with no extension.
File Location:

1) For a Concurrent (Floating) license installation:
"#server installation directory#\#language#"
C:\Program Files\XYZ Technologies\ABC Server\English\lservrc
2) For a Seat (Stand-alone) license installation:
#AQT/QTP installation directory#\bin"
C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Bin\lservrc
14) What to do if you are not able to run QTP from quality center?
This is for especially for newbies with QTP.
Check that you have selected Allow other mercury products to run tests and components from Tools--> Options--> Run Tab.

15) Does QuickTest Professional support Macintosh operating systems?
No, QTP is not expected to run on this OS.
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Technical Interview Questions on QTP

1. What is Test Frame Work?
2. How comfortable are you in VB Scripting?
3. What is Description Object?
4. What are SetToProperty, SetRoProperty, GetToProperty scripting?
5. What is the difference between version 6.5 and 8.2?
6. What is the difference between Normal mode and Fast mode?
7. How do you invoke the application through QTP?
8. How do you close the Task Manager through QTP?
9. How will you load the object during run time?
10. How will you handle the situation when object is not captured during record?
11. What is test object?
12. How QTP recognizes the objects stored in object repository
13. What is post recovery scenario?
14. What is reusable action and how the same can be implemented (process)
15. How will u integrate oracle with QTP
16. How QTP integrate with application
17. What is object repository?
18. What are all the fields present in object repository?
19. What is smart identification?
20. What are the mandatory properties for a text box (scenario?)
21. What is Checkpoint?
22. What is object?
23. What are the properties of object?
24. What is Action?
25. What will be there in Keyword view and Expert View?
26. What is regular expression how will u implement it
27. Where the checkpoints are stored
28. What is database checkpoint, how will u parameterize the database from separate data table
29. How will u handle application crash using recovery scenario manager (Step By Step Process)
30. What is Virtual Object?
31. What is the difference between calling a function and reusing an action?
32. How QTP support all types of applications (Platforms)
33. What is the difference between application testing and product testing?
34. What is throw object?
35. What is Run-time Data?
36. How will you enhance the script?
37. Can objects recogonised without repository?
38. Where did u automate in ur project
39. Any challenge that faced in ur project
40. Batch test,run action
41. Purpose of automation
42. Diff ways of parameterising
43. Error handled other than recovery scenario manager
44. Diff betw WR and QTP
45. What kind of errors can b handled?
46. How you used DDT in QTP?
47. Difference between keyword driven test and DDT?
48. How did you use regular expression in QTP and also in Win Runner?
49. How do you learn the object in QTP?
50. How will you handle custom object in QTP?
51. Differences in QTP and Win Runner.
52. Give us the Definition for Integration Testing, Regression Testing System Testing
53. How will you report the bug and explain the defect tracking Sheet you handled?
54. What In-string function will do?
55. What is L-trim function will do?
56. WinRunner and QTP difference?
57. In website, protocol has been changed http: to https what you will do? Tell me your Approach?
58. What Framework you are following?
59. How to load the object repository at run time?
60. How much strong on VB and C?
61. How to compare the 2 strings?
62. What is the Silent mode in WinRunner?
63. Have you worked with Quality Center?
64. Have you used Test Director?
65. What is QTP Test Frame work?
66. Definitions for Keyword view and Tree View?
67. What is Smart Identification?
68. What is Object Repository?
69. What is your experience level in QTP?
70. What is your Role and Responsibilities In QTP with your current organisation?
71. Explain the following:
Import and Export of files.
Random testing of 500 test cases.
Invoking of application
Opening notepad in QTP &Writing of Test Result in Notepad.
Merging of Two Repositories
Datafile / Verification of data file when file is not available in local system.
Business process component / Types and usage.
Opening of notepad in QTP to write and execute the coding.
How to find local host name using QTP
How to handle exception when data table is not available in local host system or Path is not correct (Explain Statement with example)
Runtime dynamic settings.
Script generated after applying database check point.
Script generated at the time of setting runtime property.
Types of exception handling and script for that.
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